Nothing To LoseTB 01-2009
Suddenly found myself lostSecond guessed and double-crossedSurrounded by those who make me feel so aloneGuilty of actions I’d never condone
So I throw all caution to the windCarried myself back to the beginningTook all I had just to start againWith nothing to lose this time I’m playing to win
There’s a bit of a bite to the morning airA couple deep breathes and my mind seems clearSo I set my sights on something just out of reachI practice the points that I’m trying to preach
I throw all caution to the windDragged myself back to the beginningTook all my strength just to start againWith nothing to lose this time I’m playing to win
I'm rolling straight down this winding roadTook all my faith just to let it all goIt’s a million miles from where I have beenBut just one slip and I’m right back there agin
I throw all caution to the windDragged myself back to the beginningTook all my strength just to start againWith nothing to lose this time I’m playing to win
Find Your Way
C Maiorano 01-2009
Get yourself together
You know it's now or never
Respect is earned not given
In this world we live in
Gotta find your way
Don't let your thoughts betray
When it's you against the
World, don't let it get ya
Caught in the throes, with
Blood drippin from your nose
In a stranglehold
Don't bend, break or fold
Fear can be a cancer
Bravado is the answer
Life can get you rattled
War - torn and embattled
Inner strength's the way
To keep the wolves at bay....
I know it's a jungle out there
No time to be afraid
Turn around and face your fear
Gotta find your way
Don't let your thoughts betray....
Dodgin' and a runnin'
Don't seem like too much fun n'
When you turn the other cheek
Then you won't last a week
Look 'em in the face
Give it back to them in spades
It's time to state your case
Seize the day
Make 'em pay
Gotta find your way
Don't let your thoughts betray....
Life's a constant struggle
Even avoiding trouble
Can blacken your eyes
In these trying times
The bruises fade
And the piper's paid
You've made the grade
You've found your way...

Songs written for the 08 RPM - performed live 01/15/09
Orphans are:
Bonehead - Guitar / Vocals
Thunder Chris Maiorano - Drums / Vocals
Timmmmy Hochadel - Bass / Vocals
John Young - Keys on 1,3,4,6,8
JD Herzog - Sax
Ed Davis - Lead guitar on 1 and 3
Stoned Alone
Lyrics-TB 12-2008
Music-TH and TB 12/2008
What the hell is that funky smell?
Don’t deny it now; I’m pretty sure I can tell ya see
And what could be so really swell
Is if you had some that you might be able to sell me
Cuz I don't want to see you stoned alone
I hate to ask ya but I’m hurting fierce
Don’t have to tell ya that good bud is scarce these days it seems
I'm a friend in need and you’re a friend indeed
But a friend with weed is the only friend i need you see
Cuz I don't want to see you stoned alone
I'd be forever in your debt
I promise I would never forget this gesture
Cuz we go back a long long time
When five was a nickel
And ten was dime for good measure
Well I don’t want to see you stoned alone
My mouth is getting dry
My head is pretty high
I sure could go for an Eskimo pie
But I try and I try
And I just can’t find
The strength of twenty men to help me close my mind
Cuz its stuck wide open
And the wind is blowing
And I can’t control the direction I’m going
I’m flowing to the left
And moving to the right
My pedals to the metal and I’m peeling out of site
And I look into my mirror
Just to see where I’ve been
And it’s only getting clearer
Cuz it’s coming round again
And I
Don’t want so see you stoned
Can’t stand to see you stoned
Don’t want be stoned
T Boudreau 09-2008
When you talk of peace on Earth
I gotta look up to the skies
Or back to the place of my birth
Deep into my fathers eyes
And when those walls come crashing in
You must take a look inside
At all the wars that are waged within
Our spirit and our minds
And I’ll walk away with your hand in mine
And I’ll curse the day, I’ll curse the day that I was blind
When you speak of peace on Earth
I want to jump into the sea
Swim deep below the surface
Check out what’s going on underneath
And when those waves come crashing in
I’m going to ride that tide so high
I’ll lose my fear and shed my skin
And leave it all behind
As I walk away with your hand in mine
And I curse the day I curse the day when I was blind
And I’ll walk away and leave it all behind
I curse the day…
I curse the day when I might find
That justice isn’t blind
And it’s guilty of the crimes that it’s trying (prosecuting)
I bless the day when I might see
Lined up in front of me
Troops for humanity and they’re multiplying (recruiting)
When you show me peace on Earth
It better be from outer space
So I can’t tell what it’s worth
It’s religion or it’s race
‘Cuz when it’s time to cash it in
I’ll bet my dollars to your dimes
To rid the world of half it’s sins
Will increase its worth a thousand times
And I’ll walk away with your hand in mine
And I’ll curse the day, I’ll curse the day when I was
I walk away like a thief in the night
I'll cures the day, I'll curse the day that i was
Waiting on the rain
tb : 10/15/2008
The day she moved out
The dark clouds rolled in
Heard thunder in the distance
And saw tear drops on here chin
And it’s always been like summer
With my baby by my side
But the weathers been a bummer
Since the day she said goodbye
And I’m dealing with the pain and I’m waiting on the rain
There’s a low-pressure system
Moving in from the west
Ain’t no loving in my kitchen,
Nothing cooking in my bed
And I don’t want tomorrow’s forecast
Cuz it only brings me down
How much longer can this all last
I’d be better off drowned
But I’m dealing with the pain and I’m waiting on the rain
You can bet your double Doppler
But what that means I forget
A month of steady down pour
And my soul is soakin’ wet
But I try and look to the bright side
And Lord what did I see
Your prescious little sister
Moving in next door to me
I’m dealing with the pain and I'm counting on the rain
Better get your goulashes baby
And wear that pretty little slicker too
Forty days and forty nights now baby
C'mon and climb into my canoe
Baby Breakdown
Tb 2007
You were pushing thirty-five
And barely seventeen
That night you slipped out your bedroom window
Chasing down the dream
You’re whole worlds a ball of wrinkles
Stuffed inside a sack
Daddy he’s been drinking and momma’s thinking you’ll be back
It must’ve been the biggest rig
That county ever seen
Pulled over on the shoulder
To save ya from the pouring rain
But you knew what you were doing
Yea you knew just what to say
When I asked “how far you going?”
And you smiled and said “all the way”
I said ‘baby breakdown and buy yourself a heart
Cuz’ the one that God gave ya has been all been torn apart
By the leeches and the preachers who try to steal your soul
You need someone to teach you how to take control of you
I heard you landed on the boulevard
And barely on your feet
Your waiting tables down at Tony’s, seven days a week
And those tips keep getting shorter
As does you patience and your skirts
So when along came another offer you figured what could it hurt
Now you may need a little powder
To feel safe inside
You wash a handful of happiness
Down with a pint of your pride
And he calls himself your agent
And he calls you his star
But he changed your name and he changed your face baby
You don’t even know who you are
All tunes are performed by Orphans
Recorded at Bonehead Studio
Engineered/Mixed/Mastered by Bonehead
C Maiorano - 02-2009
Did you ever crash into truth
Like a brick wall at 95 (mph)
The words start to settle in
You wonder if you'll survive
Did you ever fight tooth and nail
For something you firmly believe
When the dust finally settled
You find that you've been deceived
Can you face your demons
Or weather changing seasons
Did you try ?
Can you accept the blame
And live up to your name
Can you cry ?
Did you ever make up excuses
Like walling yourself in a room
Blessed shroud of convenience
Becoming your burial tomb
Did you ever miss a chance
To say what must be said
Silence isn't always golden
Thoughts drowned in pools of red....
C Maiorano 02-2009
Release the burdens of this world
Or let them consume you
It's not a hard choice
I hear pain in your voice
That place is familiar to me
Where light and darkness twirl
Unbind the shackles of humanity
Be one with the truth
Seek not the road to ruin
Focus, realize what you're doing
Nature will seed and bear fruit
Culture's the mother of insanity
Free your mind from the toils
Dark side of your conscience
Purge yourself from guilt
Civilization must be rebuilt
We have to go the distance
In order to share the spoils
Change is here, something new
I'm asking you
Can you feel it too ??? ( x 4)
Orphan Chronicle
Feb 05, Thursday
-First official recording session for the RPM Challenge 2009
-3 of us recorded basic tracks for 5 tunes
Baby Breakdown
Nothing to Lose
Waiting On The Rain
Stoned Alone
-Bass Direct / Guitar Cabs mic'd in isolation / Fender Twin + JCM800
- 7 tracks of drums used Chris's Pork Pie Snare
-Scratch Vocal
Feb 11, Wednesday
-Second Session - hashed out two songs from Chris' brain
Find Your Way
basic tracks only - same set-up only I used Fender Bassman instead
of the Fender Twin - no scratch vocal on these yet but lyrics are written!
Feb 12, Thursday
-JD ('On The Rocks') Herzog answers Sax Ad on Craigs, comes up and lays down Sax trax
on Stoned Alone and Waiting On ...
-Also played some slide parts on all other tunes
Feb 13, Friday
-I Google some words - 'Orphans' and find the cover pic - Google is an amazing thing. I realize that "Nothing To Lose' fits the pic,and the project and decide to
use it to name the CD. Some things just work out. I take a first whack at the CD cover Art.
Feb 15, Sunday
-Recieved some Keyboard tracks from Johnny 'Forever' Young for Blind, Breakdown
Feb 17, Sunday
-TB did some drinking, singing and mixing and a little acoustic guitar on Nothing, Blind,Waiting________________________________________________
Feb 19, Thursday
-I meet Eddy Davis through Craigs List. He comes by the session to do leads on
Baby Breakdown, Nothing To Lose, Waiting
-Three of us lay down 'Change Is Here' Track
-Chris sings Change is Here, Ever?,Find Your Way and leavs at 2am - ugggh!
Feb 20, Friday
-Slow day at the office - i work on CD Album art
Feb 21, Saturday
-Orphans Lament comes to be...8 hours / 12 beers / a bucket of chicken and the 9th song is done....
Feb 24, Tuesday
-We have our last tracking session for the RPM. Chris and Timmy sing back ups, clatter beer bottles, and spank percussion
-We dust off the 10th tune - Go Away which is an oldy but a goody -some new tracks, some old tracks but we all agree that the message fits the project very well.
Now....i have a couple of nights to finish it...
Feb 28, Saturday
-Final mix. retracked some vocals. Finally got Pro Tools to accept the keyboard track files and loaded them up on Waiting and Stoned.
Loaded jog files into sleeve and disc templates. Ran out of ink for the printer :(
Lightscribed disc images to the face of 12 cd's while printing sleeves and bouncing final mixes - multi-tasking like a mofo...
Mar 01, Sunday
-Listened to the Mix 1 cd in two vehicles and the living room stereo. Uploaded mp3's for Chris and Timmy to hear. made a few adjustments and burned Mix 2. Assembled a dozen CD's to ship to people.
Mar 02, Monday (noreastern blizzard - up to 13in of snow)
-Dropped 8 cd's at the Post Office (including the one to RPM HQ Portsmouth, NH)
- because the 03/01 is the deadline and it landed on a Sunday, the cd needed to be post-marked by 03-02. Those extra 2 days were crucial!
Orphans Lament
TB 02-21-09
If you're gonna let me down, then let me down easy
If you're gonna hang around you gotta be my friend
Should ya break my heart, just leave me the piece
So I can pick it up and put it back together again
Sell my pride; I gotta haggle for my freedom
Never look inside their stone cold heart
Push me aside, battered and beaten
Weakened from the load I’ve been dragging from the start
If you raise up, you stay up
If you lay down, you stay down
You can treat me like a king and call me an orphan
The words I sing you can call them your own
Make me feel cheap then act like I’m important
Play it cool like a fool and then get all overblown
If you raise up, you stay up
If you lay down, you stay down
Raise Up – your dented cup – and drink to ones that are all alone
Reach down –for a half a crown – hand it to a man who is on his own (has no home)
Raise Up, Chin up, Heads up if you’re on your own
Reach down, Lay down, stay down with the one that you love
Go Away
TB 2007
I never was one much for limits
I never could ever control myself
I saw what I liked and I had to have it
I never could think about nobody else
And when I’m drunk and passed out on the floor
Wont you order me one more
And when I’m dead and lying in my grave I still wont go away
Doin’ a hundred miles an hour
Doin’ twenty things at once
Never stopped to smell the flowers
Never got beaten to the punch
And when I’m drunk and passed out on the floor
wont you order me one more
And when I’m laughing in that judges face don’t testify that I’m insane
I’m the one that’s screaming from my prison cell
You can all just go to hell
And when I’m dead and lying in my grave I still wont go away
And when I’m drunk and passed out on the floor
Wont you pour me just one more
And when I’m laughing in that judges face don’t testify that I’m insane
I’m the one that’s screaming from my prison cell
You can all just go to hell
And when I’m dead and lying in my grave I still wont go away
Officially referred to as 'Mix 1 - 02-28-09'